Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Weight of the Matter

Today my father made a comment that if I didn't eat more salads I was going to be the next fat girl on TV trying to lose weight in front of millions of people. Screw that! I'll be the thousandth trying to lost weight in front of those of you who stumble upon this blog. 

I consider myself something of a nonconformist. So, why jump on this misguided, media-driven desire to be thin? I've thought a lot about that questions, and it has to do with me recovering a part of myself, my life and my freedom that depression and medication has robbed away from me. So, you will hear me talk about the trials, tribulations and triumphs every now and then. Also, I will post my weekly or biweekly weight. 

Today, I am 300 lbs. on the dot. 

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